Think Your Involvement Won’t Make a Difference? Think Again.

It’s easier today than ever to make a huge impact by making a small effort to connect with your fellow Ford Scholar Alumni. We have a strong presence on social media and can use this platform as a tool to do something really positive for the FSAA. Share your vision. Reach out. Effect change without making excuses.

Top ten reasons you should participate in the Ford Scholar Alumni Association:

10) Make valuable connections by networking with alumni in other classes. We’ve gained a stout variety of professional skills and interests that continues to grow.

9) Civic leadership inspires your friends, neighbors and children to do the same.

8) The Ford Family Foundation supported you. Now it’s your turn.

7) Volunteerism keeps our communities safe, vital and sustainable.

6) Mentoring Scholars in college prepares them for a fulfilling career.

5) Philanthropy enhances the quality of life for rural communities in our area.

4) Share your voice! Write a blog post or newsletter article.

3) Serving on the Board of Directors is a strong and unique addition to your resume.

2) You are a Ford Scholar forever.

1) Because you are one of over 1600 people fortunate enough to have completed a powerful education through one of Kenneth’s Ford’s dearest projects.

If you don’t support the FSAA, who will?