Nominate Alumni for Bruce Award

It’s inspiring to hear about fellow Ford Scholar Alumni like Charity Thoman who are living out Gerry Bruce’s vision of Scholars not only succeeding in their careers, but incorporating community service into their lives as well. Do you know other alumni who have these same values? Maybe even yourself?

You are invited to nominate yourself or a fellow Ford Scholar from the Classes of 1994 through 2004 for the Gerald E. Bruce Community Service Award.

The Ford Family Foundation seeks nominations of Ford Scholar Alumni who represent Gerry Bruce’s vision of leadership and who: have demonstrated a strong propensity for “giving back” through volunteer service; have demonstrated leadership, civic responsibility, and the values of the Foundation in their work and service; and recognize and care about the potential of future generations.

The selected recipient will be recognized with a plaque and a $5,000 grant made to a non-profit organization of the recipient’s choice during an awards banquet on Saturday, July 12, 2014, at the Valley River Inn in Eugene, Ore.

Please submit nominations and/or your application no later than Monday, Nov. 4, 2013. The selected recipient will be notified by Jan. 1, 2014.

To encourage participation, nominators and applicants will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.

Call the Foundation Scholarship Office at 877-864-2872 or e-mail if you have questions.